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How do I cancel and refund at Hawaiian Airlines?
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You should be aware that simply canceling your tickets won't result in a refund if you purchased your flight with Hawaiian Airlines. You must submit a separate application for the same.
Consequently, if you have a question such as, "How do I cancel and refund Hawaiian airlines?," you may get the answers from the Hawaiian airline's customer support numbers.
• To cancel your reservation, you must first visit the official website. The important step is that. In this initial phase, passengers who want to cancel their flights are deceived.
• Numerous websites may claim to be able to cancel your tickets, but there is no way to trust them to perform the job. There is no other website that has that authority but the official one.
• Hawaii Airlines' official website may be found at This URL will take you to the official page whether you copy it or just click on it.
• You must select the "my trip" or "my reservations" option, depending on whatever is specified on the website, when you land on the page. When you click on it, you will be prompted to provide your name and the booking ID.
• You can do that to cancel the tickets.
Posted on 07/04/22