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Is Natural Sugar Better for You? | Priddyfair Nutrition

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Is Natural Sugar Better for You? | Priddyfair Nutrition
Whole Cane Sugar — This sugar is produced from the initial crystallization of sugar cane juice without the use of chemicals or bleaching, enabling the sugar to retain its molasses. Sucanat – Sucanat is a trademarked name that means natural sugar cane. This sugar is made using a minimally refined cane sugar process in which the sugar and molasses are separated and then recombined to generate a consistent end product. Jaggery – Traditionally in India, jaggery is produced from sugar cane or date palm and is molded into a solid paste or dough rather than granulated. Rapadura – Rapadura sugar is traditionally from Brazil, and it is dehydrated over low heat to remove just the water, leaving a caramel taste from the molasses as well as more naturally occurring nutrients.
Posted on 12/14/21

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