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Tooth Extraction in Abu Dhabi

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Extraction is the process of removing a tooth from the mouth or extracting teeth from the bone. This operation is performed fully under local anaesthetic, so it is painless for both the patient and the dentist, and it takes less time. Depending on the covering of bone and soft tissue, certain extractions are fairly complex. An impacted tooth is one that has not yet erupted (emerged fully into the oral cavity). The impacted tooth may be completely surrounded by bone (a full bony impaction), partially surrounded by bone (a partial bony impaction), or merely surrounded by soft gum tissue (a soft bony impaction) (a soft tissue impaction). Every permanent tooth has the potential to be impacted. If the impact does not appear to have affected neighbouring teeth, no treatment may be necessary. It may be necessary to remove it if it affects other teeth. It is recommended to contact a trusted clinic for tooth extraction in Abu Dhabi. Having all the adequate resources we offer effective dental treatments and tooth extraction in Abu Dhabi.

Posted on 12/22/23

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